
Our Story



Special Needs Advocacy Parents

It began with a haunting question asked by a Special Ed teacher, “What are you going to do when the bus stops coming in September?” It was posed to the parents of six students preparing to graduate from the special education programs offered by the Sequim High School with no prospects of further education or community involvement.

George and Tresa Stuber, Mike and Debbie Campion, Russell and Nola Judd, and Rick and Cathie Osborne had gathered in the Judds’ living room, sharing their concerns and their hopes for their children’s futures.

Within nine months the fledgling all-volunteer organization, originally called Special Needs Advocacy Parents (SNAP), was registered with the State of Washington, had filed for nonprofit status, and begun weekly services. Beyond offering recreational opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities, the group provided support and advocacy for families caring for individuals with special needs.

The weekly “Rec Club” class was launched and continues to be one of the most popular offerings.

Special Needs Advocacy Parents hires its first Executive Director, Karen Pierce.

2001 and 2002
With continued support from private, corporate, and nonprofit foundations such as United Way of Clallam County and the Albert Haller Foundation, SNAP was regularly serving between eighteen and twenty young adults and their families.

A successful partnership with the Sequim School District built a playground at the Helen Haller Elementary School equipped to accommodate all levels of physical ability.

An annual two to three day retreat for individuals with special needs at Camp Ramblewood was held.

SNAP offers three classes at the Sequim Community School: Life Skills, Rec Club and Voyagers (exploration of arts and science).

SNAP was serving more than forty individuals (age 14 and older), providing life skill classes, recreational programs, special events, self-advocacy training, camps and more. Individual and family support included respite, advocacy, and a monthly developmental disabilities newsletter.

In SNAP’s ten year anniversary newsletter, then Executive Director, Tresa Stuber, noted; the decade long journey brought amazing changes in participants “as they learned to believe in themselves, their capabilities and gifts. It is this belief in themselves that has blossomed and made way for newfound independence...”

2008 to 2012
Funding challenges arose, there were leadership transitions both on the Board of Directors, and there were significant downsizing on some fronts. The monthly newsletter was discontinued.

A change of name:

SNAP becomes Clallam Mosaic
To avoid confusion with the newly rebranded Federal food stamp program claiming the acronym SNAP, Special Needs Advocacy Parents became Clallam Mosaic.

The first annual “Tour of Italy” Gala is held in Port Angeles. 200 individuals enjoyed a wonderful evening of dinner, silent and live auctions, performances, dancing and more. The funds raised from this event went directly towards day programs and a network of support for family and caregivers.

The first annual Bob Cup Golf Tournament created in memory of Bob Duncan is held at the Cedars at Dungeness Golf Course in Sequim. Funds raised during the tournament go towards a permanent home for Clallam Mosaic.

Clallam Mosaic served almost 80 area individuals and their families. Year-round day programs provided leisure and recreational activities, educational classes and opportunities for creative expression through painting, crafts and theater arts culminating with well-attended public performances at the Olympic Theater Arts in Sequim.

Mosaic sponsors Clallam County’s Parent-to-Parent program, offering mentorship, advice, advocacy and support to families caring for individuals with special needs.

Clallam Mosaic is providing one-on-one services connecting participants with their broader community through Community Guide and Engagement.

Our participants continue to educate us about what unique challenges they have learning, working and growing.


Participants, instructors and family members attended January Advocacy Days in Olympia. During lunch the group met with Sen. Van de Wege and Rep. Chapman.


Members of the Franklin Elementary fifth grade class joined the Cooking Class preparing tasty dishes to share.


A collection of art at the Port Angeles Library throughout the summer. And both photographs and two-dimensional art won awards at the Clallam County Fair.


A shortened, September only session, offered an intensive Theatre program culminating in two well-attended performances of the original play "Something Like Hamlet" by the Snappy Players. As part of the Friday evening performance, a spaghetti dinner was served.


Volunteer Lori Cates was nominated, and won Woman of Distinction Behind the Scenes by Soroptimist International Jet Set.


Mosaic joined Clallam Night to Shine working with more than 150 volunteers to host more than 80 guests to a memorable prom.


In October, Mosaic worked with the Olympic Peninsula Men's Chorus providing refreshments during intermission for both afternoon and evening performances, and joined the Knights of Columbus for a fundraising tootsie roll drive.


Clallam Mosaic is grateful for the funding received the from the Crow Foundation, Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church, the Haller Foundation, United Way, the Walkling Memorial Trust, Thrivant, Benevity, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory-Marine Sciences Laboratory.


Clallam Mosaic offered 12-18 hours per week of classes over 32 weeks, plus summer and holiday classes.

Our office and a majority of our classes were located at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Port Angeles. Limited offerings were held in Sequim at the Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church. Monthly dances are held the St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Port Angeles.

The first Mosaic Masquerade, with the theme, Phantom of the Opera, was held on October 26 at the Elks Naval Lodge, Port Angeles. Live and silent auctions featured local businesses, artists and experiences. Members of the Olympic Peninsula Men's Chorus performed. And Mark Lorentzen brought guests to their feet with his rendition of "Music of the Night!"


Clallam Mosaic began the year with a strong Winter Term providing 2 classes each day Monday through Friday. Four days in Port Angeles, one day in Sequim.


The partnership with local all-volunteer nonprofit event, Clallam Night to Shine, held on Friday, Feb. 7, was a wonderful success.


Planned collaborations with other local nonprofits were expanding how Clallam Mosaic fulfilled its mission until:

March 13: Mosaic cancels all in-person events including day programs; monthly dances; the Snappy Players Theater planned performances; and a Zumbathon fundraiser all due to the Coronavirus, Covid-19. As the health crisis continued throughout 2020, all in-person events remained cancelled. The office was closed, with employees working from home.


Administration and staff worked to develop alternative methods to engage and support Clallam Mosaic participants. Participants and families were contacted by phone, email, and eNewsletters. Social media engagement increased.


April: Sponsored by Molina Healthcare and the Port Angeles Food Bank, 47 Mosaic at Home care and activity bags were delivered.


May: With bags from the Olympic Medical Center, snack bags from the Port Angeles Food Bank, 65 Mosaic at Home care and activity bags were delivered with the support of volunteers.


Virtual Mosaic MeetUps! were developed. Classes slowly increased in number and variety: Rec Club; Capoeira; Exercise; Art; Reading; Chair Exercise; Arts & Crafts; Adventures; Activities at Home; Social Hour.

May: 15 sessions held.

June: 26 sessions held.

July: 31 sessions held.

August: 42 sessions held.

September through November: 98 sessions held.

December Mini Session: 30 sessions held.


Instructors hosted movie and game sessions. Mosaic supported peer to peer movie nights hosted by Garet and Tony (two Mosaic participants).


Community Guide Coaches continued to work with clients throughout the year, weather and health conditions allowing.


With the continuing Covid-19 health crisis, the office remained close, and no in-person activities were held.  Twice daily, weekday Zoom MeetUps! continued throughout the year, with the final sessions on December  17.

With the support of volunteers, filling and delivering, monthly Mosaic at Home care bags were delivered through December.

Members of staff became involved with the Northstar Workgroups: working towards developing an omnibus bill to present to state legislators. In addition, our Executive Director, Priya Jayadev, continued to serve as a governor appointed member of the Washington State ABLE governing board. Our Program and Communications Director, Catherine McKinney, joined the Washington State Vaccine Implementation Collaborative through the state Department of Health and Human Services.


During the month of March (Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month) a group art show was hosted by the Blue Whole Gallery in Sequim.


In April, 13 months after canceling classes, the first in-person sessions were held: a line dancing class, and a field trip. These monthly events continued through June.

During July a weekly Tuesday afternoon in-person, 2-hour outdoor activity was held. During August a weekly Friday afternoon in-person, 2-hour outdoor activity was held.

At the end of August, due to continued Covid related conditions, all in-person plans for the last months of 2021 were cancelled. 

During October, in collaboration with Peninsula College, the first annual All In Film Fest was held virtually. Most films were licensed through Sproutflix, with one film directly licensed through Bus Stop Films, Australia. During the October Studium Generale, three individuals with IDD discussed their working experiences during a panel discussion following the showing of the short film "The Interview."

Two new positions were ceated: Operations Manager, and Volunteer Coordinator.

With the help of hard working volunteers and staff, the Clallam Mosaic moved into rooms at Hillcrest Baptist, 205 Black Diamond Road, Port Angeles, 98363.

Looking toward the future

and establishing a home for Clallam Mosaic
As Clallam Mosa
ic looks forward to a permanent home, we continue expanding our educational, creative, social and community inclusive opportunities, and increased advocacy work, as well as being the best local source for information and support to individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and caregivers.

As the internet and other technologies become increasingly utilized by individuals with disabilities, we strive to find alternative ways of getting technology into the hands of participants. By providing digital opportinities, Clallam Mosaic continues to provide educational experiences, deliver valuable social interactions, and reinforce positive problem solving capabilities.

Finally, by reinvesting in families and caregivers, we will continue building a network of support that ensures the best management of participant lives through Clallam Mosaic programming as well as out in the broader community.

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